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Capturing life on the Italian island of Lampedusa, a frontline in the European migrant crisis.
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An eighteen-year-old boy is released from an institute for minors with no family support, and for the first time tastes the bittersweet flavor of...
Mr. Dynamite: The Rise of James Brown
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James Brown changed the face of American music forever. Abandoned by his parents at an early age, James Brown was a self-made man who became one of...
Below Sea Level
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During a five year period an Italian filmmaker documents the world of down-on-their-luck individuals who live in a Californian desert trying to get...
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In 1988, Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet, due to international pressure, is forced to call a plebiscite on his presidency. The country...
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En un estrany i desolador paratge del desert americà, un venedor de cotxes convenç el nebot perquè hi treballi. Allà...
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Un déu salvatge
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