Similar Pel·lícules
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Fa uns dies que Elizabeth Driscoll (Brooke Adams) nota una cosa rara en el comportament del seu xicot, el doctor Geoffrey Howell (Art Hindle). La...
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L'any 2035, el condemnat James Cole es proposa de mala gana per ser enviat en el temps per descobrir l'origen d'un virus mortal que va acabar amb...
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Walter Garber, controlador del metro de Nova York, veu com la normalitat de la seva jornada es veu embolicada en un caos com a...
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Un jove que viatja al cotxe a través de l'estat de Texas recull un autoestopista que no triga a confessar-lo que és un assassí....
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Recomanació Pel·lícules
Mathu Vadalara
Mathu Vadalara7.70 2019 HD
Babu is a delivery boy living with his friends Yesu and Abhi. Due to his meagre salary, he decides to quit, but then Yesu gives him an idea. The...
Viatge a Bountiful
Viatge a Bountiful7.30 1985 HD
Anys quaranta. L'anciana Carrie Watts (Geraldine Page) viu en un petit apartament de Houston, amb el seu fill Ludie (John Heard) i la seva nora...
Twinsanity5.19 2018 HD
Following the death of their mother, an identical twin pulls away to establish her own independence, while the other unravels and plots to end her...
Devil's Night
Devil's Night8.00 2017 HD
A celebrity-obsessed teen seeking fame and fortune via viral videos finds a Satanic documentary that leads him to a world of pure evil.
Sadak 2
Sadak 24.20 2020 HD
The film follows Ravi, 29 years after the incidents of the first film. The suicidal taxi driver plans to shut shop when a young girl, Aarya, compels...
No culpis el karma del que et passa per gilipolles
No culpis el karma del que et passa per gilipolles5.26 2016 HD
A la Sara li agrada planificar-ho tot. Està nerviosa perquè el seu xicot, que viu a l'estranger des de fa un any, ve de visita per...
Sam Was Here
Sam Was Here5.40 2016 HD
California, Mojave Desert, 1998. A strange glow appears in the sky. Sam, a forty-something door-to-door salesman, travels through the few inhabited...
Sacrifice5.30 2016 HD
Sacrifice is the story of consultant surgeon, Tora Hamilton, who moves with her husband, Duncan, to the remote Shetland Islands, 100 miles off the...
Tell Me How I Die
Tell Me How I Die5.40 2016 HD
When a group of college students take part in a clinical drug trial, an unexpected side effect of the experimental medicine gives them terrifying...
The Other Lamb
The Other Lamb5.70 2020 HD
For her entire life, the cult she was born into has been all that teenage Selah has known. Along with a band of similarly cloistered young women she...