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Recomanació Pel·lícules
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Four friends visit a rural locality of Chile, are brutally attacked by a man and his son. After not finding help in the town, they decide to confront...
The Battleship Island
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During the Japanese colonial era, roughly 400 Korean people, who were forced onto Battleship Island 'Hashima Island' to mine for coal, attempt to...
Confession of Murder
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My Girlfriend is a Serial Killer
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Etsuro Kurosu faills getting into a university and becomes a hikikomori. One day, he tries to hang himself from a hook on the wall in his apartment....
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Ambientada durant la Segona Guerra Mundial a la batalla de Guadalcanal, ha esdevingut un monument del cinema antibel·licista trencant les...
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My Little Baby, Jaya
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Battle of Memories
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A man becomes involved in a memory manipulation operation to try and regain lost memories. He thinks the exercise may help repair his failed...
Wigstock: The Movie
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The three-decade-old annual Manhattan gathering of drag queens and their fans is portrayed in this colorful documentary. The film concentrates on the...
Les Misérables
Les Misérables6.80 2019 HD
This feature drama, produced to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Fuji TV, is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic masterpiece Les Miserables set...