Sarnased Filmid
Kiskja 2
Kiskja 26.28 1990 HD
Leitnant Harrigan on narkopolitseinik, kelle igapäevaseks tööks on narkootikumide kõrvaldamine tänavatelt. Niigi ohtlik...
28 päeva hiljem
28 päeva hiljem7.23 2002 HD
Looduskaitse aktivistid tungivad Londonis asuvasse uurimiskeskusesse, et päästa vabaks seal puuris olevad ahvid. See oli aga suur viga,...
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea7.03 1954 HD
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country7.00 1991 HD
Minority Report - kolmas otsus
Minority Report - kolmas otsus7.30 2002 HD
Washington DC, aasta 2054. Politsei kasutab mõrvarite vahistamiseks ja nende vastutusele võtmiseks enne kuriteo toimepanemist...
Kellavärgiga apelsin
Kellavärgiga apelsin8.20 1971 HD
Tuleviku Inglismaal on vägivald noorte argipäeva loomulik osa. Ka Beethoveni muusikast vaimustunud Alex deLarge (Malcolm McDowell) ja tema...
Star Trek: Generations
Star Trek: Generations6.50 1994 HD
Tagasi tulevikku 3
Tagasi tulevikku 37.48 1990 HD
Robert Zemeckis'i triloogia viimane film räägib sellest, kuidas juhuse tahtel satub Dr. Emmett Brown(Christopher Lloyd) aastasse 1885. ...
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek: First Contact7.30 1996 HD
Star Trek: Insurrection
Star Trek: Insurrection6.40 1998 HD
Soovitus Filmid
Hand in Hand
Hand in Hand5.70 2012 HD
From the moment they meet - and against their will - Helene and Joachim begin a lovers' dance they are powerless to stop.
Rosewater6.48 2014 HD
In 2009, Iranian Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari was covering Iran's volatile elections for Newsweek. One of the few reporters living in the...
Fire at Sea
Fire at Sea6.70 2016 HD
Capturing life on the Italian island of Lampedusa, a frontline in the European migrant crisis.
Louis C.K.: Live at the Beacon Theater
Louis C.K.: Live at the Beacon Theater7.83 2011 HD
Recorded November 10th, 2011 as part of the New York Comedy Festival, and only available for purchase online, Louis C.K. follows up his 2010 concert...
Rebels6.10 2019 HD
Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to flee a violent husband. Without attachment, she returned to Boulogne-sur-Mer, the city...
Madalik6.35 2016 HD
While surfing on a secluded beach, Nancy finds herself in the feeding grounds of a great white shark. Though stranded only 200 yards from shore,...
Strong Island
Strong Island6.30 2017 HD
Examining the violent death of the filmmaker’s brother and the judicial system that allowed his killer to go free, this documentary...
Other People
Other People6.30 2016 HD
David, a struggling comedy writer fresh off from breaking up with his boyfriend, moves from New York City to Sacramento to help his sick mother....
The Stolen Caravaggio
The Stolen Caravaggio6.00 2018 HD
Valeria, young secretary of a producer, lives with an eccentric mother and secretly writes for a successful screenwriter, Alessandro. One day, she...
Le Brio
Le Brio7.00 2017 HD
After an incident, a brilliant professor known for his outbursts is forced to mentor the student he wronged for a speech contest.