Sarnased Filmid
魔女の宅急便6.09 2014 HD
Vaimudest viidud
Vaimudest viidud8.54 2001 HD
Kümneaastane Chihiro satub oma perega võlutud metsa, kus ta vanemad muutuvad sigadeks. Üksinda fantaasiamaailmas vanemaid otsival...
Army of Darkness
Army of Darkness7.20 1992 HD
Harry Potter ja segavereline prints
Harry Potter ja segavereline prints7.70 2009 HD
Voldemort saab liitlasi juurde nii võlurite maailmas, kui ka mugude maailmas ning Sigatüügas ei ole enam turvaline koht. Harry...
Harry Potter ja tarkade kivi
Harry Potter ja tarkade kivi7.90 2001 HD
Harry Potter on pealtnäha täiesti tavaline, pisut tagasihoidlik poiss, kes peale ema ja isa traagilist surma on sattunud elama oma...
Harry Potter ja saladuste kamber
Harry Potter ja saladuste kamber7.70 2002 HD
Harry Potter on suvevaheajal, kui tema juurde ilmub majahaldjas Dobby, kes hoiatab teda, et ta sel aastal tagasi Sigatüüka kooli ei...
Harry Potter ja Azkabani vang
Harry Potter ja Azkabani vang8.00 2004 HD
Oma kolmandal aastal Sigatüüka Nõiduse ja Võlukunsti Koolis tuleb Harryl, Hermione'l ja Ronil vastu astuda võlurite...
Harry Potter ja tulepeeker
Harry Potter ja tulepeeker7.80 2005 HD
Weasly perekond kutsub Harry veetma suvepuhkuse viimast kahte nädalat nendega enne, kui nad Hogwartsi nõiakooli enda neljandale...
Harry Potter ja Fööniksi Ordu
Harry Potter ja Fööniksi Ordu7.70 2007 HD
Harry Potter naaseb Sigatüüka kooli, viiendasse klassi. Endale suureks üllatuseks, ei usu aga võlurite koolkond Lord Voldemordi...
Suur kala
Suur kala7.80 2003 HD
Edward Bloom on kogu oma elu olnud suurte isude, tohutute kirgede ja pikkade lugude mees. Hilisematel aastatel jääb ta oma pojale...
Soovitus Filmid
Sabrina, Down Under
Sabrina, Down Under6.15 1999 HD
Sabrina travels to Australia's Great Barrier Reef with her best friend Gwen, a fellow witch from England, for a week-long vacation where they try to...
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Sabrina the Teenage Witch6.70 1996 HD
A girl, sent by her parents to live with her two eccentric aunts, finds out on her sixteenth birthday that she is a witch.
For a Good Time, Call...
For a Good Time, Call...5.90 2012 HD
College "frenemies" Lauren and Katie move in together after losing a relationship and rent control, respectively. Sharing Katie's late grandmother's...
Winning London
Winning London6.00 2001 HD
When Chloe and Riley Lawrence are invited to London to participate in the international Model U.N. competition, they enjoy seeing the sights and head...
La bambina che non voleva cantare
La bambina che non voleva cantare6.40 2021 HD
Film inspired by the career of the Italian singer Nada.
Global Meltdown
Global Meltdown5.83 2017 HD
A helicopter pilot and an environmental scientist lead a exodus of survivors in a search for a safe haven after a catastrophic tectonic event causes...
Sabrina: Friends Forever
Sabrina: Friends Forever7.10 2002 HD
Sabrina must prove that she is worthy of attending an academy for witches.
Time Out with Britney Spears
Time Out with Britney Spears8.71 1999 HD
Take a time out with this official Britney Spears behind the scenes video! Packed with interviews, recordings, concerts and much more.
Holidays at Silver Bay
Holidays at Silver Bay5.00 1961 HD
Two formerly rich men try to get back on their feet, counting on their respective son and daughters marriage prospectives. The two youths meet and...
My Fake Fiance
My Fake Fiance6.52 2009 HD
Jennifer and Vince, virtual strangers, find themselves strapped for cash and decide to stage a fake engagement and wedding just for the gifts