Sličan Filmovi
Navigatorov let
Navigatorov let6.94 1986 HD
Dvanestgodišnji David pao je jedne noći 1978. godine u šumsku udubinu i onesvijestio se. Kad se probudio, vratio se kući, ali tamo je...
Stuart Mali
Stuart Mali6.07 1999 HD
The Karate Kid
The Karate Kid7.19 1984 HD
Život Buba
Život Buba6.97 1998 HD
Mali mrav Flik, u svom mravinjaku živi kao nespretni izumitelj, kog ostali ne vole. Jednog dana slučajno baci hranu, koju su fanatično skupljali...
Kako je Grinch ukrao Božić
Kako je Grinch ukrao Božić6.77 2000 HD
Omraženi Grinch pokušava upropastiti Božić tako što se preruši u Djeda Božićnjaka i ukrade sve darove, drvca i blagdanska...
The Wiggles: Splish Splash Big Red Boat
The Wiggles: Splish Splash Big Red Boat6.20 2006 HD
Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief
Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief5.40 2008 HD
Big City
Big City5.40 2007 HD
Kronk's New Groove
Kronk's New Groove6.42 2005 HD
Grom6.53 2008 HD
Za superpsa GROMA, svaki je dan pun pustolovina, opasnosti i intriga – barem toliko dugo dok kamere snimaju. Kad zvijezda popularne...
Preporuka Filmovi
Die Stunde der Offiziere
Die Stunde der Offiziere7.80 2004 HD
A well documented re-enaction of the July 20th, 1944 assassination attempt against Hitler, aka Operation Valkyrie.
Holidays6.00 2016 HD
A young couple travels to Madrid with their family to enjoy a few days of summer. Then an unexpected phone call from Juanma, a hotel employee,...
The Paint Job
The Paint Job4.00 1993 HD
The peaceful existence of a suburban backwater is disrupted when Wesley, a troubled housepainter falls for Margaret, the sensitive wife of his boss,...
The Wild Women of Wongo
The Wild Women of Wongo2.40 1959 HD
On the tropical island of Wongo, a tribe of beautiful women discover that the other side of the island is inhabited by a tribe of handsome men. They...
König für eine Nacht
König für eine Nacht4.40 1950 HD
Count Lerchenbach, the King's Adjutant, changes places with his master, King Ludwig I, in a romantic assignation with the beautiful Countess Rosenau.
Madonna8.00 2005 HD
In Madonna, Tanaami employs his signature collage-style animation, combining pop art influences, retro aesthetics, and surrealistic motifs. The film...
Film6.20 1967 HD
Before the three feature films, Mario Schifano directs the camera towards the people around him to create real film diaries. His friends, his time...
One hundred years of evil
One hundred years of evil4.50 2010 HD
Did Adolf Hitler survive WWII and live on under an assumed identity? Norwegian researcher Skule Antonsen sides with Spanish documentary filmmaker...
Driven to Murder
Driven to Murder5.50 2022 HD
White Walls Say Nothing
White Walls Say Nothing6.00 2017 HD
Buenos Aires is a complex, chaotic city. It has European style and a Latin American heart. It has oscillated between dictatorship and democracy for...