Sličan Filmovi
Istrebljivač7.90 1982 HD
Tvrtka Tyrell koja proizvodi replikante suočena je s problemom. Roboti koji se ni u čemu ne razlikuju od ljudi, "samo" nemaju emocija, pobunili su...
Akira7.90 1988 HD
Tajni vojni projekt ugrožava Neo-Tokio kada člana motorističke bande pretvori u razularenog psihičkog psihopata kojeg samo dva tinejdžera i...
Videodrom7.30 1983 HD
Max Renn (J. Woods) glavni je urednik posebnog kanadskog televizijskog kanala koji je postao izuzetno popularan zahvaljujući kontroverznim...
Potpuni opoziv
Potpuni opoziv7.30 1990 HD
Za virtualni godišnji odmor Doug izabere putovanje na Mars. Za vrijeme 'odmora' nešto je krenulo krivo te se liječnici trude izbrisati...
Bijeg iz New Yorka
Bijeg iz New Yorka7.10 1981 HD
1988. godine nakon velikog bujanja kriminala njujorški je Manhattan pretvoren u veliki zatvor. 9 godina poslije otet je predsjednički avion i...
Strange Days
Strange Days7.00 1995 HD
Matrix8.22 1999 HD
Thomas A. Anderson čovjek je koji živi dva života. Po danu je običan kompjuterski programer, a po noći haker po imenu Neo. Neo je uvijek...
Matrix Reloaded
Matrix Reloaded7.06 2003 HD
Zbliživši se s Trinity, Neo je u njoj pronašao ženu svog života, ali ga muče tjeskobni snovi o djevojčinoj pogibiji. Istodobno,...
Matrix Revolutions
Matrix Revolutions6.73 2003 HD
Spašavajući smrtno ranjenu Trinity i boreći se protiv agenta Smitha, okretni Neo, Odabrani kojem je proročica Oracle predvidjela ključnu...
Peti element
Peti element7.55 1997 HD
Bruce Willis glumi Korbena Dallasa, njujorškog taksistu koji će postati junak u ovoj priči o ljubavi i preživljavaju u 23. stoljeću. U...
Preporuka Filmovi
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border 2: Ghost Whispers
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border 2: Ghost Whispers7.10 2013 HD
Freed of her responsibilities with the 501 Organization, Motoko Kusanagi must now learn how to take orders from Aramaki. Someone hacks the Logicomas,...
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border 4: Ghost Stands Alone
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border 4: Ghost Stands Alone7.00 2014 HD
The upcoming installment's story takes place amidst signs of postwar reconstruction in the winter of 2028. Tensions are rising in New Port City as...
Turn Me On, Dammit!
Turn Me On, Dammit!6.30 2011 HD
In Skoddeheimen, Norway, 15-year-old Alma is consumed by her hormones and fantasies that range from sweetly romantic images of Artur, the boyfriend...
Six Shooter
Six Shooter7.15 2004 HD
Overwhelmed by grief following the death of his wife, Donnelly shares a train carriage home with a troubled young man identified only as the 'Kid'....
A Night in Old Mexico
A Night in Old Mexico5.40 2013 HD
Forced to give up his land and home, Texas rancher Red Bovie isn't about to retire quietly in a dismal trailer park. Instead he hops in his Cadillac...
虎·破7.00 2020 HD
Indignation6.35 2016 HD
In 1951, Marcus Messner, a working-class Jewish student from New Jersey, attends a small Ohio college, where he struggles with anti-Semitism, sexual...
Suicide Club
Suicide Club6.52 2001 HD
When 54 high school girls throw themselves in front of a subway train it appears to be only the beginning of a string of suicides around the country....
Appleseed Alpha
Appleseed Alpha6.70 2014 HD
Based on the comic book by the creator of Ghost in the Shell, a young female soldier Deunan and her cyborg partner Briareos survive through the post...
Desire5.94 2017 HD
Lucía and Ofelia, two sisters, finally meet after 7 years of cold relationships upon Lucia 's wedding. But when Juan, Lucia's husband, and...