Sličan Filmovi
Dr. No
Dr. No6.99 1962 HD
Na Jamajci je ubijen britanski tajni agent Strangways i njegova tajnica. Tri ubojice uzeli su iz njegovog ureda dosje na kojem piše "Dr. No"....
Iz Rusije s ljubavlju
Iz Rusije s ljubavlju7.06 1963 HD
Međunarodna zločinačka organizacija Spectre, čiji je član bio i dr. No kojeg je ubio James Bond, želi se osvetiti tom najboljem britanskom...
Goldfinger7.35 1964 HD
Agent 007 susreće se licem u lice s jednim od najozloglašenijih negativaca svih vremena, a sada mora nadmudriti moćnog tajkuna kako bi ga...
Die Blechtrommel
Die Blechtrommel6.94 1979 HD
Ben Hur
Ben Hur7.87 1959 HD
Židovski princ Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) dobar je gospodar svojim robovima, ponosan čovjek dostojan titule koju obnaša na početku...
Samo dvaput se živi
Samo dvaput se živi6.58 1967 HD
Tajanstvena svemirska letjelica snima ruske i američke svemirske kapsule i dovodi dvije supersile na rub rata. James Bond istražuje slučaj u...
U službi njenog Veličanstva
U službi njenog Veličanstva6.57 1969 HD
James Bond prati svoga zakletog neprijatelja, Ernsta Blofelda, do povlačenja na planinu gdje trenira vojsku lijepih, smrtonosnih žena. Usput, Bond...
Harry Potter i Kamen Mudraca
Harry Potter i Kamen Mudraca7.90 2001 HD
Na osnovi prvog u nizu popularnih dječjih romana o Harryju Potteru, J. K. Rowling, akcijski obiteljski avanturistički film "Harry Potter i kamen...
Harry Potter i plameni pehar
Harry Potter i plameni pehar7.80 2005 HD
Ove se godine u Hogwartsu održava natjecanje između triju čarobnjačkih škola. Dok Harryja peče ožiljak, što ukazuje na zlu...
Čovjek sa zlatnim pištoljem
Čovjek sa zlatnim pištoljem6.44 1974 HD
Vladin operativac James Bond traži ukradeni izum koji sunčevu toplinu može pretvoriti u razorno oružje. Ubrzo se križa s prijetećim Franciscom...
Preporuka Filmovi
Cezanne and I
Cezanne and I5.90 2016 HD
They loved each other with the ardor of thirteen-year-old boys. Rebellion and curiosity, hopes and doubts, girls and dreams of glory – they...
Officer Downe
Officer Downe4.50 2016 HD
A rookie cop is tasked with shadowing Officer Downe, a no-nonsense LAPD cop with regenerative powers, as he wages an ultra-violent war against the...
The Law
The Law6.44 2014 HD
Directed by French Director Christian Faure and released in 2014, The Law brilliantly traces three days, in late Fall 1974, of stormy debate in the...
Return to Montauk
Return to Montauk5.74 2017 HD
During a book tour in the United States, Max meets and falls in love with a young woman. Many years later, Max returns to the United States, hoping...
Sour Grapes
Sour Grapes7.30 2016 HD
Controversy erupts when an unassuming young man floods the American wine market with fake vintages valued in the millions, bamboozling the wine world...
The Idol
The Idol7.10 2016 HD
Mohammed Assaf, an aspiring musician living in Gaza, sets a seemingly impossible goal: to compete on the program "Arab Idol."
After Love
After Love6.10 2016 HD
Marie and Boris decide to get a divorce after 15 years of marriage. Tensions rise when cash-strapped Boris must continue to live with Marie and the...
Through the Fire
Through the Fire7.40 2018 HD
Franck is a firefighter in Paris. He saves people. He lives at the station with his wife, who is about to have twins. He’s happy. During a call...
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power6.60 2017 HD
A decade after An Inconvenient Truth brought climate change into the heart of popular culture comes the riveting and rousing follow-up that shows...
Corporate6.30 2017 HD
Emilie is a bright young workaholic manager in Human Resources, working for a huge French agro-food company. But, one day, one of the employees...