Panašus Filmai
Iš meilės Pablui
Iš meilės Pablui6.30 2017 HD
Kai žymiausia Kolumbijos žurnalistė Virginija Vallejo (akt. Penélope Cruz) yra pakviečiama į garsiausio pasaulyje narkotikų barono Pablo...
Keleivis7.30 1975 HD
Pasakojimas apie žurnalisto Deivido Loko likimą. Atvykęs daryti reportažo į karštą Sacharą reporteris niekaip negali surinkti...
Nekenčiamiausias6.50 2006 HD
"Infamous" pateikė savą versiją apie paskutinio Trumeno Capotes šedevro "In cold blood" gimimą. Tai savotiška vizija apie...
リング0 バースデイ
リング0 バースデイ6.10 2000 HD
End Game
End Game5.40 2006 HD
Where the Truth Lies
Where the Truth Lies6.20 2005 HD
The Bonfire of the Vanities
The Bonfire of the Vanities5.60 1990 HD
Kaulų kolekcininkas
Kaulų kolekcininkas6.80 1999 HD
Kažkoks taksistas, puikiai nusimanantis kriminalistikoje, užduoda mįsles paraližuotam nelaimingo atsitikimo metu genijui-kriminalistui Linkolnui...
담보8.30 2020 HD
Pono Holando kūrinys
Pono Holando kūrinys7.00 1995 HD
Glenas Holandas yra muzikantas ir kompozitorius, dirbantis mokytoju, o laisvu laiku besistengiantis sukurti genialų kūrinį, kuris paliktų...
Rekomendacija Filmai
Lamb6.00 2015 HD
Lamb, based on the novel by Bonnie Nadzam, traces the self-discovery of David Lamb in the weeks following the disintegration of his marriage and the...
Doctor Detroit
Doctor Detroit5.10 1983 HD
A shy but gentle man named Clifford Skridlow is a professor of comparative literature at the financially-strapped fictional Monroe College in...
Amira & Sam
Amira & Sam6.00 2014 HD
Sam, a soldier who had served in Afghanistan and Iraq, meets Amira when he visits her uncle, Bassam, who had served as Sam's Iraqi translator. Bassam...
J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life
J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life7.30 2007 HD
A look into the life of J.K. Rowling in the year leading to her finishing her final harry potter book.
Four Days in October
Four Days in October6.50 2010 HD
When the night of October 16, 2004 came to a merciful end, the Curse of the Bambino was alive and well. The vaunted Yankee lineup, led by A-Rod,...
Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever6.00 2024 HD
I wake up gagged, hands and feet tied. I can see the clouds go by through the window. I'm in the back seat of a car. Who is this man driving? And...
I Am Not a Serial Killer
I Am Not a Serial Killer6.35 2016 HD
In a small Midwestern town, a troubled teen with homicidal tendencies must hunt down and destroy a supernatural killer while keeping his own inner...
My Skinny Sister
My Skinny Sister6.87 2015 HD
Just as Stella enters the exciting world of adolescence she discovers that her big sister and role model Katja is hiding an eating disorder. The...
The World Petanque Tour
The World Petanque Tour5.10 2013 HD
Momo has one dream buried for years: become a petanque champion. When an international tournament is announced, he drops his ordinary life to win the...
Aruvi7.40 2017 HD
A gentle girl born and brought up amidst the ever growing eco-social-consumeristic environment finds it difficult to fit in the society. She decides...