Podobný Filmy
Mačka na rozpálenej plechovej streche
Mačka na rozpálenej plechovej streche7.70 1958 HD
Brick a Meggie majú v manželstve vážne problémy. Zatiaľ čo Brick sa utápa sám v sebe , Meggie hľadá z...
Le Mépris
Le Mépris7.10 1963 HD
Ronja Rövardotter
Ronja Rövardotter6.98 1984 HD
Mlčanie jahniat
Mlčanie jahniat8.35 1991 HD
Clarice Starling, nadanú študentku akadémie FBI, pridelia agentovi JackoviCrawfordovi, vyšetrujúcemu prípad...
Vykúpenie z väznice Shawshank
Vykúpenie z väznice Shawshank8.71 1994 HD
Andy Dufresne je mladý, úspešný bankár. Jeho život sa drasticky zmení, keď ho krivo obvinia a...
Desert Hearts
Desert Hearts7.00 1985 HD
Vtedy v Amerike
Vtedy v Amerike8.42 1984 HD
Hovorí sa, že priateľstvá z detstva pretrvajú celý život a inak to nie je ani v prípade newyorských...
Halbe Treppe
Halbe Treppe7.00 2002 HD
Tajomná rieka
Tajomná rieka7.74 2003 HD
Traja priatelia z detstva po rokoch znovu spojí smrť dcéry jedného z nich - každý z nich ale v príbehu, plnom...
Good bye, Lenin!
Good bye, Lenin!7.55 2003 HD
Príbeh začína v roku 1989, kedy nadšene-socialistická pani Kernerová upadne do kómy, keď uvidí v...
Odporúčanie Filmy
The Voices of a Big Country
The Voices of a Big Country3.70 2016 HD
In every corner of our vast country there are talented people worthy of recognition and glory. They flock to the capital and take part in popular...
The Night of the Shooting Stars
The Night of the Shooting Stars7.10 1982 HD
The Night of San Lorenzo, the night of the shooting stars, is the night when dreams come true in Italian folklore. In 1944, a group of Italians flee...
Extreme Job
Extreme Job7.10 2019 HD
A drug squad attempts to take down a criminal organization and they must go undercover to do so, so they begin working at a chicken restaurant, that...
Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom
Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom8.18 2015 HD
As the Trost District is reclaimed from the Titans, Eren is taken under the wing of Captain Levi and his squad, who decide to try and teach him to...
Projekt Adam
Projekt Adam7.03 2022 HD
Pilot Adam Reed, ktorý cestuje v čase, musí nùdzovo pristáť v roku 2022. Tam potom spojí sily zo svojim...
Vicious Fun
Vicious Fun6.50 2021 HD
Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no...
Kráľ a morská panna
Kráľ a morská panna7.00 2022 HD
Marie-Josèphe, narodená a vychovaná v kláštore vo Francúzsku, je slobodomyseľná rebelka,...
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans7.50 2021 HD
The Guardians of Arcadia reunite to battle the nefarious Arcane Order, who've reawakened the primordial Titans.
Beyond Skyline
Beyond Skyline5.28 2017 HD
Detective Mark Corley storms his way onto an alien spaceship to rescue his estranged son. When the ship crashes in Southeast Asia, he forges an...
The School for Good and Evil
The School for Good and Evil7.05 2022 HD
Best friends Sophie and Agatha navigate an enchanted school for young heroes and villains — and find themselves on opposing sides of the battle...