Podobný Filmy
Straw Dogs
Straw Dogs7.16 1971 HD
Trináste poschodie
Trináste poschodie7.05 1999 HD
Je pokojná noc v Los Angeles roku 1937. Starší seriózny pán odchádza z hotelovej izby, necháva...
Vec8.07 1982 HD
Vedcov z americkej výskumnej stanice na Antarktíde vystraší vrtuľníkový nájazd ich nórskych...
Talent pána Ripleyho
Talent pána Ripleyho7.19 1999 HD
Tom Ripley je vypočítavý mladý muž, ktorý verí, že je lepšie za niekoho sa vydávať, ako byť...
Americké psycho
Americké psycho7.40 2000 HD
Patrick má všetko, čo by si každý muž v jeho veku prial. Je viceprezidentom veľkej firmy na Wall Street a má...
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles4.80 1972 HD
Kolory zła: Czerwień
Kolory zła: Czerwień6.70 2024 HD
Party Monster
Party Monster5.85 2003 HD
Parfum: Príbeh vraha
Parfum: Príbeh vraha7.37 2006 HD
Jean- Babtiste Grenouille má vlastnosť génia - vie zachytiť, detailne opísať a charakterizovať všetky vône,...
Prvotný strach
Prvotný strach7.66 1996 HD
Hlavnou postavou príbehu je prominentný chicagský právnik Martin Vail, sebavedomý a samoľúby muž,...
Odporúčanie Filmy
A Man from the Boulevard des Capucines
A Man from the Boulevard des Capucines7.20 1987 HD
Mr. Jonny First arrives to the Wild West to present the art of the Cinematograph.
The Most Charming and Attractive
The Most Charming and Attractive7.10 1985 HD
Nadya Klyueva is a single woman. Persuaded by her friend, she decides to charm her co-worker whom she doesn't really love, but who is the most...
Peter the First, Part I
Peter the First, Part I5.10 1937 HD
This, the first Soviet depiction of Peter the Great, set the stage for what would become the post-Revolutionary line concerning the early Romanovs....
The Goya Murders
The Goya Murders5.00 2019 HD
Madrid, Spain. A mysterious serial killer murders art collectors and uses their bodies to reproduce scenes from Los Caprichos, a famous series of...
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins - Part 1
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins - Part 16.70 1988 HD
The final film of the television series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." It is based on the late and little-known stories of...
Feola6.20 1970 HD
A man is put in charge of organizing a children's soccer team, but he doesn't know anything about the sport.
Vovka in the Kingdom of Far Far Away
Vovka in the Kingdom of Far Far Away7.20 1965 HD
A schoolboy gets into a fairy tale with the help of a librarian and DIY book. But life in the magical land is not as easy as it seems.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Part 1
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Part 17.40 1981 HD
The Hound of the Baskervilles is a 1981 Soviet film adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's novel The Hound of the Baskervilles. It was the third...
Rocky IV
Rocky IV7.10 1985 HD
Rocky Balboa už boxuje iba pre kondíciu a užíva si pokojný rodinný život. Keď do mesta prichádza...
WALL·E8.10 2008 HD
V roku 2007 Na Zemi zostali už len odpadky a s nimi malý robot Wall-E, teda "Viacúčelovo Automatický Likvidačný...