Podobno Filmi
The Gorge
The Gorge7.80 2025 HD
Dva visoko usposobljena operativca se na daljavo zbližata, potem ko sta bila poslana, da varujeta nasprotni strani skrivnostne soteske. Ko se spodaj...
Anora7.07 2024 HD
Anori, mladi striptizeti iz brooklynske Male Odese se odprejo vrata v boljše življenje, ko spozna Ivana, razvajenega a prikupnega sina...
Tvegani let
Tvegani let6.09 2025 HD
Pilot Daryl Booth prevzame nalogo prevoza zvezne maršalke Madelyn in zaščitene priče Winstona, ki je ključna priča v primeru proti...
Mickey 17
Mickey 177.00 2025 HD
Mickey Barnes je poslan na nevarno misijo, da bi koloniziral ledeni planet Niflheim. Ko ena različica Mickeyja umre, se ustvari dvojnik, ki hrani...
Sopotnica7.00 2025 HD
V bližnji prihodnosti se šest prijateljev zbere v oddaljeni koči ob jezeru, da bi preživeli sproščen vikend. Toda mirno idilo zmoti...
Stotnik Amerika: Pogumni novi svet
Stotnik Amerika: Pogumni novi svet6.16 2025 HD
Kmalu po srečanju z novim predsednikom ZDA Thaddeusom Rossom se Sam Wilson znajde v središču velikanskega mednarodnega incidenta. V...
Valovanje8.30 2024 HD
Ko zemljo zajame povodenj, si živalska druščina z mačko na čelu poišče zavetje na čolnu. Da bi preživele, se morajo naučiti...
Demon City 鬼ゴロシ
Demon City 鬼ゴロシ6.88 2025 HD
Memoir of a Snail
Memoir of a Snail7.85 2024 HD
Dvojčka Grace in Gilbert sta že od rojstva naprej neločljiva. Skupaj si delita iste hobije, poglede na svet in oba sta med vrstniki ožigosana kot...
Pasji mož
Pasji mož7.70 2025 HD
Ko se zvesti policijski pes in njegov lastnik policist med delovnim časom oba poškodujeta, ju rešijo s hitro, a precej nespametno...
Priporočilo Filmi
Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming
Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming6.68 2021 HD
After being appointed as the vice-principal of her alma mater, Eun-hee becomes plagued by hallucinations. Branded a troublemaker by the teachers,...
Kallan D'Souza
Kallan D'Souza5.50 2022 HD
Kallan D'Souza and his partner make a living committing petty thefts and are highly successful at it. However, a stubborn police officer threatens...
Stateless Things
Stateless Things5.30 2012 HD
Jun, a young man of North Korean origin who had illegally emigrated to South Korea, works in a gas station. After protecting a colleague, Sun-hee, a...
Wings Above Berlin
Wings Above Berlin7.00 2022 HD
The year is 1941. Nazi Germany has declared war on the USSR and begins launching air assaults on Moscow and St. Petersburg. Stalin immediately orders...
Hornets' Nest
Hornets' Nest5.50 1970 HD
An American commando who's the sole survivor of a parachute jump into WWII-era Italy leads a group of children in a campaign of sabotage against the...
The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell
The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell6.20 2023 HD
Hong Kong police agent Cheung (by Aaron Kwok) works undercover in Kang’s (by Sean Lau) drug cartel, while another undercover cop Au (by Louis...
A Day and a Half
A Day and a Half6.30 2023 HD
In a desperate bid to reunite with his daughter, an armed man bursts into the medical center where his estranged wife works and kidnaps her.
My Love Story!!
My Love Story!!7.50 2015 HD
Takeo Goda is a high school student 2 m tall and weighting more than 100 kg. He has a righteous character. The male students adore him, but female...
The Wolves
The Wolves7.30 2020 HD
Max and Leo are 8 and 5 years old and have just immigrated to the US with their mother. Their days pass inside a tiny apartment, while they wait for...
Cold Feet
Cold Feet6.60 2018 HD
Although he actually just wanted to steal money, the crook Denis finds himself in the position of caretaking for the stroke patient Raimund. When...